
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Now that's Comedy makes a Porno(?)

Alright, so I guess a notch down the narcissistic ladder from googling oneself would be typing in your Well because I'm not a narcissist (hahahaha) instead I typed in into my address bar.

And there's fairly logical reasons to do so. Really, registering websites isn't too expensive and I could force myself to take this seriously if I had to plop down $17 to "purchase" the real domain to my blog title.

But someone already owns Go ahead, you can try it if you want. It's not nsfw, but it comes awfully close. Indeed, redirects, promptly, to Which is rude.

There are a few strange things about this:
  • Why does need to own the domain Are there a lot of people trying to get to and making a few typos? Like Are they trying to provide a service to their users? Or! are they trying to capture poor url adventurers with a wide net of multiple urls that all direct to their XXX service?
  • The website defies expectations a little in that there are no poorly photoshopped-topless Jessica Alba assaults you upon immediate load. Nor is there any nudity really. However, what is on display seems a thin pretense of non-porn, but seems to indicate, purposefully, that here be porn. It's sort of like some of the advertising on torrent sites. The not-necessarily-porn banners that everyone knows, if they aren't fooling themselves, are porn adverts.
The real problem with this new site is not that loyal followers of this blog (heh heh) will accidentally stumble upon titillating images of hollywood's moneyshots, but that it now pops up every time I begin to type in It makes me feel/look the skeeve. And I don't appreciate that porno site. Not one bit.

See me later ;)

P.S. Both and [...].org seem to be safe. For now.

P.P.S. I looked up because of what I wrote earlier. I was protected by my computer from an unsafe website. Either my computer is being overzealous in its attempts to protect me, or that, like its namesake, is one bad muthafucka.

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