
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quick Thoughts on Stormwatch #1

Who the fuck are these people?


Does it seem to anyone else besides that the members of Stormwatch have powers that are rather oblique? For instance, one woman seems to be able to access and influence the media. Certainly this is a power that could have great implications, narratively, ideologically, and satirically, but in this issue she uses it to check Facebook.

Hell, my iPod can do that.

Wait! Do you think that I might be a superhero?

Couldn't be.

Anyways, there is this other guy and he can "talk with cities." Again, this seems like an interesting power, but he mostly just uses it to mess with people and to make a chair. While making a chair from things around you would be handy in our normal people lives, this hardly makes for thrilling super stories.

I wonder if his origin story is watching Dark City too many times?

Maybe I am a superhero?

I did find it nice to see Martian Manhunter though--too bad he looks like a toad man. Worse, he has this lame line about how when he's with the Justice League, he is a hero, but when he's with Stormwatch, he's a warrior. This makes my warm feelings for the guy run a little stinky.

Conclusion: I find Stormwatch confusing and underwhelming. Some of these people have interesting powers, but the writing seems to lack sophistication. It's also kind of ugly. I hate to bash on a book for not being pretty (as that's rather subjective) but it just doesn't look as nice as some of the other comics I read this week.

I will try a few more issues. The team seems to have an interesting mix of characters and maybe they'll ditch the whole cock-out-to-rock-out aesthetic and give quirky characters a quirky comic. Remember Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol? Yeah, be more weird.

I probably wouldn't want to be a hero with Stormwatch. Sorry, warrior. But, they all get their asses kicked. In some cases, BY THE MOON!

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